My Beloved Possession Poem by James Dylan

My Beloved Possession

I pick you up and you don’t sigh
I strike you and you never cry
I can touch you soft or hard
And you never have any disregard

I can play with you however I like
Your neck, your body, there is no dislike
No complaint of how you’re being handled
No need to seat you in a room all candled

Each of my fingers has something to do
And far more often we work on something new
No need to dress you in the prettiest blue
For you are always of a natural hue

I can play with you morning, night and day
And you never have any remark to say
Sometimes my performance is not quite right
Yet you never laugh or cause a fight

My full attention is not always there
But you never shout and swear
When it’s cold you don’t need a heater
And the sound you make is always sweeter

I can ignore you for a week
And someone else you never seek
After a while one of your six may break
It’s easily fixed, no need to take
Drastic measures to fix what’s done
No expensive trip in the sun

I can take you anywhere at all
A seedy bar or a cheap mall
Mucking about with the guys
A few beers and some French fries

Often I will hit the wrong note
And you don’t go to grab your coat
To leave because I made a mistake
Never feelings of guilt or ache

I know you will be around for years
No arguments or constant tears
You my beloved possession
Together we will beat this depression

That’s why I love you

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