Monsoons Poem by Aakash Goyal


Rain rain rain
So unpredictable and yet so vain.

It starts with a thunder
followed by a lightning
Then comes the rain
and leaves the earth whitening.

Every time it thunder
It makes me wonder
Is it just a cloud crying out loud
Or is it expressing it's love with a bow.

Water flow on the streets
People wear raincoat
Children rejoice in this sweet retreat
And sail their boat.

People away from home cry out for help
But the pmc claim they made arrangements.
Heavy traffic jams and accidents are a common sight
So we can't blame rain for this one, right?

The trees, poles and wires fracture the streets
But I still can't figure out what the hell pmc did.

I see outside my window and see a motorist
He struggles to start his Bike
As everyone passes by.

I see people walking with umbrellas
Struggle to walk on the side of the road
Coz the sidewalk is currently on water mode.

Finally when the water in the clouds is empty
It's time for us to pay the penalty.
A strange silence and calmness prevails
Life comes back on track and so do trains.

At the end of the day it is the farmers who are rejoiced
The seeds that they had sown
Finally turns out into crops that have grown.

No hard feelings for rain
Just wish there was something more than water that we could gain.

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