Mind Or Heart Poem by jason medina

Mind Or Heart

If I hold too tight my heart
I shall lose my mind.
If I hold too tight my mind;
I shall lose it anyway.
I would rather be able to say
I have lost my mind but I can still love.
And since my heart is all that is left
I can love with such rage.

But without my mind;
what's to stop me from loving foolishly?
And if I should let go my heart
Then I've already lost my mind.
And how can I trust myself anymore?
How can I be my own voice of reason if everytime I speak
I tell my self to shut up.

We risk our hearts and minds daily.
We keep ourselves up at night.
We have questions;
but we know the answer.
We have always known.
Yet we fight ourselves so much.
For in our minds we walk the fine line between neither here
nor there.

So there you have it
A world full of people who have lost it
their minds, their hearts,
and themselves.

But how beautiful is it know
that while things may be lost
they can be searched for
and they can be found.
And if not;
perhaps you will find something new along the way

Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: decision,heart,mind
jason medina

jason medina

Greeley, Colorado
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