Melissa The Model Poem by Denis Martindale

Melissa The Model

She's got the look, the savoir faire,
The grace, finesse and style.
In my mind, she's beyond compare,
For who could match that smile?
How fabulous she looks today,
For all the world to see!
As if God placed her on display,
Right here on bid tv...
With golden hair and twinkling eyes
And smiles that cheer us all,
She helps us choose our new best buys,
To grab our phones and call.
She walks up close, she then walks back
And then gives us a twirl...
She looks so cute in red and black...
She's such a lovely girl!
Melissa's such a wondrous name,
It's sultry and sublime...
We'll miss her... Life won't be the same...
Please come back soon, sometime!

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