Love In Itz Own Way........... Poem by harshika ram

Love In Itz Own Way...........

A child in the womb of a mother's stomach,
Is happy and content everyday.
It's caressed and hugged and petted and kissed.....
It is full of joy before seeing the world...
This is called Mother's Love!

On the first day of school children cry and fuss....
They shout and scream and create a scene.
But they are pacified and comforted and made to smile,
This is called Teacher's Love!

A few friends who are true are nice,
Who are by your side through your bad times,
Who make u laugh when u feel blue,
This is the Love of Friends who are true!

When there is trouble and there's no one for you....
U tell your sibling, your best friend true.
Who makes your day no matter where you lay,
This is called as Sibling Love!

A person who makes your world, your day,
Who keeps you smiling and laughing all day....
Who's by your side every minute of you life,
This is called True Love!

Finally, the All mighty...our creator,
He looks at us and smiles,
He continues to create the world for us...
Spreading his love far and wide..
This is called the LOVE OF GOD! ! ! !

With all this love who cannot be
As happy as love birds in a tree!

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