Longing For A Lasting Peace Poem by Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker Abdalla

Longing For A Lasting Peace

The feathers of the larva are not still
They are pearly, whipping the gust the chroma of the sky is not leaden, It is the deep blue of a fulgent sunny day.

The truancy of bird carol is not impeding, It is the hoarding and handling of everything into the sewer of hope.

Peace animates as the dusk strikes and the stench of nightfall in every posy, peace comes out as mellow with ridge -peace is the fantasy of Sudan's supple shadow.

Brittle blossom, cloaking your dainty whiteness in the leafy cerement of the unborn clan; a contingent emblem of the eventual guarantee.

Parading people and gyres ceaselessly turning; where once were vines and floras, soft dew-moist hay.

Worthless to wish for lasting peace for all Sudanese to lay down artillery, for all jousting to quit.

You could despair, perceiving peace throughout Sudan no longer distinguishing sermon of war blood mixed with solitary fawn.

We do not have the stamina for cultures, not our grains float on under the weather whirlwind from cradles where they are grown.

Hope fibs in Sudanese heart not yet turned to pebble a brain for the love of Sudanese not friendless.

If all people of Sudan clench each other's hand, they could do what makes lasting peace forever.

Longing For A Lasting Peace
POET'S NOTES ABOUT THE POEM: A written poem on Saturday, 24 June 2023. The poem is reflecting Sudan's Lasting Peace in our everyday life, it can often feel like peace is far away. Look no further than our morning commute or out nightly news, and we 're bound to be pining for a little order to all the chaos. Thankfully, there are a lot of wise people who have taught us the value of brotherly love, tranquillity, and the true meaning of what peace could mean for us in our lives, both collectively and personally. And after such a stressful year, it's good to know that there are healthy avenues to pursue more calm on a daily basis. For some of us it's getting outside in nature that brings peace and energy to our bodies. For a lot of us, there is a higher power that we put our faith in that gives us peace and then many of us have taken up new hobbies that have made us feel more connected to our lives and brought our stress levels down. But on a collective level, we have a long way to go in establishing world wide peace and righting long-held injustices, but with the help of peace, we learn that we all have a small part to play in speaking up for those whose voices don't get heard. And those small choices, are themselves small seeds of Sudan lasting peace.
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