Lonely Poem by Donna Saphier


The wind was blowing
It was bitterly cold
I felt so lonely
With no-one to hold
But I sit by the fire
And hear it's roar
Then I don't feel the cold no more

It's raining, it's pouring
The wind is on form
It sounds like it's blowing
A mighty storm
The rain is hard
Against the window panes
Crashing and thrashing, playing it's games

The sky is dark and very dull
It makes me feel so miserable
Now raging and roaring
I feel a bit scared
Looking outside, through the window I stared
Go away storm I began to say
Please I am frightened, please go away

The storm passed by
But the rain lingered on
I wish that I just had someone
To hold me, to love me, to keep me warm
And won't let me come to any harm
I'm lonely, I'm lost, but what can I do
But sit here alone, and hope to pull through

I'm in a dark place
And it's pulling me down
How much longer
Can I hang around
There must be someone
Out there for me
Please come and find me I need to be free

I'll sit by my window
And hope and pray
For someone to love me
And take me away
If you don't come today
Then maybe tomorrow
I'll sit here and wait, and drown in my sorrow.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: loneliness
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