Logically Afar Poem by Jamaa Mohammed

Logically Afar

A laugh here days were, Reminiscing unfolds less than Enough fits a frame said heaps upon thoughts grace seen hindsight in this retrospective dwelling still within a mind, Sense grasped somehow lost on and off staring at conscious self anxious does remind foresight soothing bonds that blend, Lets not pretend confirms of firm intended that affirms such distant views clear yet vague alone all intertwined apprehends meant thus focused, Fixated the course activated henceforth plead nowhere to be found between expected drifted apart realized why nights hold onto situations fronted, What reason amounted to summed up did belong to reality an eventuality masked in unveiled self secrets known safely, Kept inner understood.
Perspectives roaming afar logical tend to comprehend personality is extracted from habits placed on routine assumed facts portrayed intellectually generalized truly accompanied, Done varies if scoped details account for a persona not a person pre-judged arrogance through-out led, Stereo typing acclimatized offering opinions based on thoughtless insight brainstorm philosophy brainwashed, Influenced presented swayed astray possessed when keen departed unconventional standards do embrace whatever be welcomed, Could have reflected on issues required a stance down right meditated unwind sought mindful amended thoughtful an aspect into well figured out should guide, Once perfected forth an art far off are field days that peaked.

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