Live Poem by Aurora Lights


That little red hand
just keeps going.
and around
and around.
How long?
It cant go forever, can it?
That little red handle, travelling endlessly around a ring of black numbers.
Someday that hand will stop moving.
It will stop counting the seconds.
It will be put to rest.
But time goes on.
The seconds will keep ticking
However you stare at the clock.
Whatever you do to the clock.
But for now, that little red hand is alive.
You can see it as it keeps pulling you forward, each circle spelling
just one more hour.
One more hour, then the one after that.
You press forward, gazing at the clock's glazed surface.
You realize.
Are you waiting for the clock to stop?
Do you want it to slow down?
Or do you want it to speed up?
What happens
when there isnt
one more hour?
When the second that passes is the last one you'll see?
The clock will keep ticking
but your heart will not.
But your thoughts are thrown to the wind.
Because time has no consious.
It doesn't care.
Its a nessesary bludgeon and medicine.
It robs you of your past,
and hands you your future.
With the same pair of hands
that agrivate
those hours.
As they drag you along
trailing in the dirt.
Or as they fly
with you on their back.
Those hands
unfold the world.
They warp children into elders.
They create and they kill.
Those fingers unravel, but they also stitch.
So make the most of you time, because its only so long.
And dont fight the tide, because its just too strong.
Dont watch the clock, dont hold on to your time.
It'll pass.
I've watched it.
Watched it flow through my fingers, felt it thread through my head.
Everything slipping
like silver fish
down the drain
and into a jar
called memories.
Don't wait for your future to come and pass.
Don't say,
You see that road
paved out before you,
gold and glistening.
And as you walk down it
it turns silver
falls away
into your pastwhere it stays.
But by looking ahead, or behind, you miss
what is
right below
your feet.
Where you stand.
You turn in circles, in search of direction.
Look beneath you.
You're grounded.
Time pushes you forward.
Watch where you stand; look where you step.
Its beautiful.
Its here.
Its now.
Its gone the next moment.
So make sure you catch a glance
of the colors that shift
below your feet.
Make sure you see
whats right before your eyes.
Make sure you get a chance
to live.

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