Lion's War Poem by Gerald Obinna

Lion's War

Rating: 2.5

Oh the lion has been coupe down from his throne
Now the hyenas, the ruthless hyena
Will now pounce on Mr. turtle
The vultures will quack and quake. Quake on waters
His appetite for carcasses has been lost, he has grown vile for blood
Their talons torment the soul of the resting jungle
With its mortar feet the elephant reigns
He perishes all grasses with a single stamp
Cubs have become kitten, their paws folded like squirrel tail
The claws of the lioness immorally scrub the back of the tiger
The eagles will soar at half mast, he is blinded with guilt
CHAOS! CHAOS! ! the jungle is in ruin
Even the proud peacock bows its rainbow feathers in shame
Where is the talkative peacock?
Speak! Speak! ! Its voice chained in anguish
Tyranny rules, injustice looms
The tail of the cobra is no more dreaded
Helpless doves are trapped in nest of anxiety
Oh! I see the lion arising. Wounded, maimed, bruised
His fatal sustained cut rip of tears from watching eyes
Whoa! ! He has shrouded the hyenas with just a single blow
The elephant sinks with a single vibrating roar
Mr. turtle smiles in wisdom, fishes can now dance enthusiastically
The throne of the warlord restored.Dignity & tranquility has returned

Lion's War
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: animals
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