Light Or Dark Poem by christopher bagley

Light Or Dark

All humanity must one day make a choice.
To embrace the light or to descend into darkness.
Some choose the darkness rather than the light,
because it is far easier to destroy the light inside
oneself than it is to defeat the darkness all
around them. It is also not an easy to see decision.
It is not as if the light is easily distinguished
from the darkness It is more a series of seemingly
unimportant decisions which determine our path.
As children we learn what is the right and what is
the wrong path. Right to share, wrong to be stingy,
right to help others, wrong to be obsessed with oneself
This 'learning phase' ends with the 'transformation phase'.
Once the transformation is completed we immediately are
faced with life changing decisions. Light and dark choices.
Do we speed in our vehicles because there aren't any
police around? Do we help the person struggling with their
packages or pass themby without a second glance? Do we
claim the money we earned from working on the neighbors
vehicle on our taxes? Do we correct the cashier and return
the extra change they mistakenlygave? Do we call 911 and
aid the police in determining who is the criminal when we
know whom it was? Do we take that first drink when we know
we drove ourself to the bar and have not made arrangements
so we won't have to drive home? Do we do what we know in
our hearts and minds what is right or Do we take the easy steps
towards ourdamnation?
These and countless other decisions made on a daily basis
determine our path. So now my friend - you must choose -
do you take heed to my warnings or do you dismiss them -
along with myself as nothing more than the ramblings of an
insignificant mosquito buzzing around and disturbing your
picnic? The choice is yours
- Good Luck -...

christopher bagley

christopher bagley

Connecticut, USA
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