Life Is Important! Praise The Lord! Poem by Denis Martindale

Life Is Important! Praise The Lord!

When God has something to reveal, then revelation starts,
Perhaps with miracles that heal and mend our broken hearts.
No wonder that believers pray, not ceasing in their prayers,
With signs and wonders day by day, just as the Bible says.
Old Testament, New Testament, quote Jesus when you can,
With revelation Heaven-sent, that helps your fellow man.
Consider years of ministry, each morning, noon and night,
Life is important, I agree, we need the Lord's insight.
The psalms still serve as teachers, just as the Gospels do,
If they're good enough for Jesus, they're good enough for YOU!

Denis Martindale, the 14th of June 2023.

The Gospel poem got shared on Revelation TV's
R-Mornings show, on the 14th of June 2023.

The Gospel poem promotes the Gordon Pettie Gospel booklet.
A free copy of Life Is Important can be requested by phoning
Revelation TV's UK Office. Learn about Jesus and Calvary
as the TV presenters and guests share their great testimonies.

Life Is Important! Praise The Lord!
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: Jesus
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