Life Poem by Angel Valdez


Some Life styles aren't as we expect.
Some lead to bad memories or even good ones.
People Live there dreams, Others give up and throw it away.
As for me I lived my worst Nightmare but i always knew in the back of my head that i wouldn't live it for long.
Others live their Fantasies, but always know they wouldn't live it for long either.
So when you wake up and the next minute everything you ever got close to, and everything you ever worked for is Gone.
Don't mind because
'Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.'
So Leave the mirror broken and move on,
Because if you keep trying to fix it
You'll just get cut more and more.
Leave it alone let someone clean the mess.
So that way you can Re-fresh everything and Re-think all the mistakes you've done.
Re-gain that mirror back to the way it was.
People Re-do things for a Reason, But no matter what
Whatever you think of trying to Re-do;
It might Look Exactly the same, but everything is Totally differet no matter what.
You meet the people you want to met,
But you choose the ones who you want to be close with
and you choose the ones you don't want anything to do with!
Reality Check, Never judge someone without knowing what their really About, Live life, Welcome New People;
You'll Know Who's not right and Who's the right.
Sometimes it's always a good thing for the ones who you love to hurt you, That way you learn to let go of the ones that you once loved and realize that not everyone stays forever.
Before you sleep and the day is over, And your ready to take in what's next, Always know that whatever happens life moves on, time never stops for anyone
And we have our limits;
Whatever happes happens for a reason.
What has happened will never be Re-done
Sometimes people need to realize that so they quite trying to fix eveything
And years later they notice they couldn't fix anything
Or there was nothing to be fixed.
Give life time, and eventually you'll know the reason to every
Bad mistake that's been made.
Life is like photography...
We develop from Negatives.
Sometimes you just need to give life time,
And give it Open step at a Time.

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