Letter To A Son (Part Iv) 'The Regret' Poem by Mifa words

Letter To A Son (Part Iv) 'The Regret'

My son...
I'm a few moments away from eternal bliss with your mother.
My hand shivers as i try my best to pen down this letter.
My heart is sore, embittered, and i weep for my mistakes,
But know that i've always loved you, and will till the end of days.
But with tears in my eyes, i reminisce about the past,
About how the African in me overid love with discipline, and as such hurt your heart.
I pushed you away, believing you'd find such love in your mothers arms,
But i thought i'd die first, i never thought i'd be without her charms.
After every scold, i'd sneak out of bed to watch you sleep,
A tear always fell...but then the next day, i was back to being me.
The me, who rarely saw any good in your little silly pranks;
The me, who answered with grunts to your very sincere thanks;
The me, who rebuked you over silly eating habits at dinner;
That was the me i was, until i watched what little affections you had for me wither.
Then i was struck with an earth shaking truth,
I was a prodigal father, to a son who was you.
I repented of my mis-treatments, but i was too scared to build a bridge across,
That's why these letters where never sent, because i shivered at the mere thought.
But now i'm about to die...and i really wish to see your face,
You're now a dad too, i know. But you're still my son in any day.
I love you...and i hope this gets to you before i breathe my last.
Or else, your mother won't forgive me on the other side, if i just let this pass.

...son the pain in my chest has heated up,
Please come. I wish you all the best with my....my love...

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