Letter From Abroad Poem by John Chizoba Vincent

Letter From Abroad

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I am writing to ask you about yourself
And your family in Nigeria and other black countries.
I have seen the bitter difference here;
The difference between Nigeria and other countries,
Then tears stream down from my eyes as I watch
My people in sorrow and suffering-
I cried as I watched the development here and
Looking back home I remembered our dark streets
And, the roads in tears of potholes and refuse.
Here I am, there is constant power supply,
Good road Network; free from potholes and dirties.
The street lights are working and the drainage
Channels are well strutured like those at Onitsha.
We have an enjoyable atmosphere; free from
Polluted air and polluted water unlike our country.
The government are more interested in Revenue generation rather than revenue sharing and aloitment of public funds.
Everyone is involve in the building of the nation,
They promote fiscal discipline, job creation and economic growth, sport development, restoring confidence in their health sector;
Championing peace, ensuring gender equality and woman empowerment, stabilizing the strength of their sub-region, empowering the youth to be productive home and abroad and,
The educational sectors are not abandoned to strike.
Here I am with tears for our beloved country;
The country whose leaders concentrated more on oil
And abandoning the other sphere of the economy.
Then, we were the highest cocoa producing country but another wiser has taken the glory from us.
Years back, we were the highest oil producing country in Africa but Angola has taken over.
We are no longer producing yam and other Agricultural products.
What happens next if the oil wells dry up tomorrow?
Friend, I have seen the different in my quest for greener pasture.
Tomorrow only can tell where we are going-
Say me well to your family, hope to hear from you
Tales of my country, my craving ears await you.


(C) John Chizoba Vincent
#Nigeria# Africa#Tale of poetry#

Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: lost love
Kumarmani Mahakul 16 December 2015

Writing letter to ask about self is very fantastic definitely. This poem is marvelous art work. Wonderful sharing.10

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