Leaver's Poem Poem by HELEN DAW

Leaver's Poem

I've Asked Myself Why I do the job I do
I know the same is also true
For Alison, Chris, Karen and Frankie too

If I asked you, you would say
That I get paid to be here every day
The answer why, I do the job I do
Is very simple - because of you

You're the reason I come here every day
The reason why I choose to stay
It's never been about the pay

Your time here has come and gone
And soon you'll be moving on
Maybe leaving home, friends and family, for the first time
To make your own way in the world
Where exciting opportunities and amazing experiences
Are waiting for you

Looking at you now
Sat here in this hall
I‘m so very proud to know you all
Over the last 2 years I've watched you grow
Into the wonderful people
It's my privilege to know

My time I gladly gave to you
There isn't anything I would not do
Go the extra mile for you - unconditionally
There is no price tag to ensure that you
Make the most of who you are

Being here every day with you has been a pleasure
I am honoured to have been part of your lives
My life is richer for knowing you
You'll always have a place in my heart
I'll never forget you

If I had to, I would do it all again
And if you ever need me, I'll be here

In the years ahead when you look back
And reflect on your time in this place
You'll see that they were good times
The friendships you formed
And the memories you made
Will be with you always

We are all on a journey through life
And for you, you will soon be travelling to your next destination
University, apprenticeship, job, gap year
Whatever your destination,
You've made a plan
You know where you're going and how you're going to get there
And in an ideal world your journey will be a smooth one

But as we know, in the real world, life's not like that
There can be all kinds of reasons why your plans change
If they do, you might be unsure what to do next and seek advice from others
There's nothing wrong with that, we all need a little advice, guidance or support sometimes

Just remember, whatever advice they give you,
However good, sensible or well intentioned it may be
They don't have to live your life, you do
Whatever you decide to do
Be sure it's what you want
It has to be your choice

Just have faith in yourself
You are strong enough to deal with the challenges life gives you
Don't be afraid to trust your judgement
You can make the right decision for you

Don't let anyone put you down
Don't let anyone tell you can't
Tell yourself you can
The only thing that can stop you from achieving your dreams and ambitions, is you

This isn't a rehearsal; this is your one time only performance
So make sure you give it your best shot

Whatever choices you make in life
Don't have regrets
Life is too short for what ifs
Make the most of every minute

The most important thing I‘ve learned about life
The one thing that matters more than anything else, Is happiness
Do what makes you happy
Be with people that make you happy

Now go -be amazing and have a wonderful, happy life

Friday, April 15, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: leaving
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