Kissing In A Hearse Poem by Robert Rorabeck

Kissing In A Hearse

Your yard instep with the voting booths;
And I just pulled out my favorite tooth-
And I have sold quite some many fireworks,
But I’ve never been a soda jerk-
But go around moping mighty tired, like a winsome
Bird on a wire barbed:
I am still looking for you, smelling your sea salts
Like Epson salts on a wound,
Going around and around on a dizzy halo:
Sometimes in the hallways I never knew, you come
So hard and fast, like a hall monitor demanding to see
My bathroom pass- And I don’t really smoke
Or drink, but I’ll do both anyways in in cumulous
Clink- and think of your dark beauty drawn back
Like maple syrups poured off a steaming short stack
Underneath the mountains so blue and weepy with
Forgotten time,
Like the snappy sisters crenulated and waiting compulsively
For the next rhyme: In high altitude grottos I’ll wait for
You, because I paid Jove in his tawny cathedral a
Bushel full of money for him to release you;
And then you come down, dressed in a stylish curse,
And kiss you all over your womanly flesh, less metamorphosed,
If you don’t grab me by my despotic lapels and kiss me first.

Kerry O'Connor 29 September 2009

Very vivid imagery. I love the last 3 lines. Great!

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Robert Rorabeck

Robert Rorabeck

Berrien Springs
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