Kim's Wigs Poem by Jim Yerman

Kim's Wigs

There is a wig shop on the corner in Asheville…it's been there over 40 years
But now that wig shop on the corner… is causing many to shed some tears…

Because in a few days Kim, who owns the shop, is retiring…which means her little store
will close it's doors for one last time…she'll be selling wigs no more.

We have passed that wig shop often and often have we stopped to stare
at all the different types of wigs Kim stocked…all those colors…all that hair.

But in the 30 years we've been admiring the myriad of wigs that Kim kept in…
we only paused outside her windows…we never once stopped in.

So why are we sad the wig shop is closing…why should we even care?
even though we never set foot in Kim's store…it was nice to know she was there.

In a world that moves by rapidly…with so many parts that do not last
it was comforting knowing that little old wig shop would be there when we passed.

For 44 years when winter changed to spring…when summer breezes filled the air…
when the leaves of Autumn began to fall…the wig shop was always there.

When our children were children it was a tradition…a place we'd always stop…
we could see their joy and excitement mirrored in the windows of that old shop.

Every year when we walked in the city we'd stop…we'd gaze…and what's more…
we happily watched our children grow up in the windows of that store.

I know change is inevitable…and dealing with change can make us stronger…
But that doesn't stop us from wishing some things….would stay the same a little longer.

There are days I wish would never end…and moments I endeavor….
to stop time's inescapable passing…and let those moments last forever…

But, alas, we all grow a little older every day….It's a fact we can't ignore
And a wig shop that has lasted 44 years…will one day close it's doors.

Yes, we know these things must happen…we know there's usually good mixed with the bad…
But that doesn't stop us from remembering what was…and feeling a little sad.

Friday, October 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: time
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