Just To Let You Know... Poem by Thomas Mc Attack

Just To Let You Know...

November 27th, Just to let you know,
I miss you like crazy, Times passing so slow,
I know that you're busy, With school and the stress,
But I know that one day, We'll sort out this mess,

I seen you in the paper, You make me so proud,
I'd have talked to you about it but sure it isnt 'allowed',

Im sorry sometimes if i make you upset,
By pretending im happy on the internet,
Thats me being jealous trying to make you feel sad,
To bring you down to my level and make you feel just as bad,
Its selfish of me and makes me look obsessed,
But whats really going on is I'm really depressed,
You were one of the only good things in my life,
A huge ray of sunshine like a big yellow fyffe,
And look at us now? We don't talk to each other,
We're like Suzanne and Yvonne or like me and my mother,
I'm sorry for everything that i put you through,
Like moaning, Over-reacting and giving out to you,

I miss all your jokes and how you're always so nice,
And I miss your opinions, Even the sound of you're voice,
And I miss the phone conversations, And the msn chats,
And the meetings in valleys when you wore woolen hats,
Those meetings were brilliant, on a sheet, with no bugs,
I miss all the dry humping and the kissing and hugs,
And the smell of your jumper and the smell of your breath,
And holding your hand and the kisses of death,

A better person I'm not likely to find,
So beautiful, So smart, So gentle, So kind,
I love you so much and don't you ever forget,
You're the most amazing-est person that I've ever met,
Thank you for listening and always being there,
Thank you for caring and complimenting my hair,
Thank you for all of the gifts that you bought me,
Thank you for all of the things that you taught me,
Thank you for all the texts, E-mails, and messages you send,
Thank you for trusting me and for being my friend.

Yaci Pachenco 05 December 2009

it is good... it is hard to let go, most of the time it is for the best...

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Thomas Mc Attack

Thomas Mc Attack

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