Just The Moment You Smiled Back Poem by Subhas Chandra Chakra

Just The Moment You Smiled Back

Rating: 5.0

Spring was the name,
Given to this season
When you came!

On your arrival-
Leaves dry and detached,
Left their old assylem,
Broke their bonds familiar,
New buds softened their lips pink.

The eyes turned hazel green,
Whenever did I gaze.
The breeze started to whisper-
Your name into my ears.
The cuckoo started to sing
Sometimes rhythmic,
Sometimes melancholic,
Driving me into nostalgia.

It was a journey back home,
Into the past, Off the heart,
To the core of my world,
Revolving round yours,
From birth to births,
Lives after lives,
From worlds to worlds,
Bonds after bonds,
Meetings and partings that
Occurred between us
During each time you came.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: eyes,journeys,love and friendship,meeting,nostalgia,spring
Terry Craddock 19 June 2016

'New buds softened their lips pink' so many good lines, always a few I love, so appropriate to a love poem

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Prativa Rani 01 December 2017

It was a journey back home, Into the past, Off the heart, To the core of my world, Revolving round yours, From birth to births, Lives after lives Just beautiful poetry. Loved it. 10++ Rani

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Thank you dear for so beautiful remarks. Sorry for the great delay in response.

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Prativa Rani 01 December 2017

Excellent poem with a touchy silver lining. Thanks for sharing the poem. It was a journey back home, Into the past, Off the heart, To the core of my world, Revolving round yours, From birth to births, Lives after lives Just beautiful poetry. Loved it. 10++ Rani

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Thank you Rani dear for so beautiful remarks. Sorry for the great delay in response.

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Prativa Rani 01 December 2017

A beautiful poem on love between two passionate lovers. It was a journey back home, Into the past, Off the heart, To the core of my world, Revolving round yours, From birth to births, Lives after lives Excellent poem with a touchy silver lining. Thanks for sharing the poem. 10++++

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Prativa Rani 13 November 2017

It was a journey back home, Into the past, Off the heart, To the core of my world, Revolving round yours, From birth to births, Lives after lives Just beautiful poetry. Loved it. 10+++

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Rani, Thank you dear for so beautiful remarks. Sorry for the great delay in response.

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Soumya Ranjan Rout 28 September 2017

akra Spring was the name, Given to this season When you came! On your arrival- Leaves dry and detached, Left their old assylem, Broke their bonds familiar, New buds softened their lips pink. The eyes turned hazel green, Whenever did I gaze. The breeze started to whisper- Your name into my ears. The cuckoo started to sing Sometimes rhythmic, Sometimes melancholic, Driving me into nostalgia.its a thoughtfull poem between two lovers

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Soumya, Thank you dear for so beautiful remarks. Sorry for the great delay in response.

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Subhas Chandra Chakra

Subhas Chandra Chakra

Sainkul, Anandapur, Odisha, India
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