Just For Them Poem by sarah sanchez

Just For Them

As I lay my self to sleep
I think of all the things I did
Were they right?
Were they perfect?
Was it everything I needed
To do?
To make me happy
To see the joy
To hurt someone
To lie to someone
To try to be so perfect
To put that smile on your face
Or fake my own
So you wont worry at the end of the day

I always try to make others happy
Worry about how they feel
Worry about how they would react if I complain bout my own life
Worry about their own feelings than mine
Not trying to make them angry
Not trying to make them cry
Not trying to think badly of me
Trying to let them see me perfect

Hiding my real me
Just for them
Hiding my real sadness
Just for them
Hiding my tears
Just for them

Is it worth it?

It is
Every minute
Every second
Every single day
Of their life

Is it worth it for me?
In a way..i say no
I get hurt
I get yelled at..
I get misunderstood
I get stepped on for being the nice one
I hide my own feelings for them
I hide the REAL ME
Just for them

I prefer their happiness
Than mine
At times
But when will they bring me happiness?

I go to my room
And lay to my bed
Think of what a day
I just had

How many smiles
I just made

How many tears of happiness
I just saw

The laughter
The joy
The happiness
The smile

One thing
That I have been hiding
Is my sadness
And just putting that one smile
And holding that one sad tear
Cleaning it fast away from my cheek
Before they get to see
That im going through a lot
So they will see
The tough side of me
That I am strong
That I can handle anything
So I can help them
And I can be the POSITIVE ONE
So they will know..
What we are going through
We can over come it

It is hard
To hold those tears in
It is hard
To not put that frown on your face
It is hard
To show the weakness to them
When they see you strong
When they see you as their hero
When they see you bigger than them

We are the hero
We are the positive people
To some..we are even God.

I don’t call myself God

I call myself sarah

The strong
The loveing one
The weak..but the positive one

I am weak
I atleast get like that at times
I sometimes need people to come pick me up
And tell me
Life is worth living
Life is worth loving
Life..is what you make of it

Life is to live and love
Love is live with your life
Love is to share to those around you
To show that love conquers all

I am sarah
And I am weak
But make myself strong
Thinking positive
And not worrying about a think

I am sarah
And I am not perfect
i am just me

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