Journey To The Lord.. Poem by Sanjay Kamlakar

Journey To The Lord..

If I were a blind would you be my light?
If I were a deaf would you be my voice?
Lord you are so sweet, as a baby n her smile,
So why should I mourn and why should I sigh?
If I couldn't walk, could you take me too far?
Don't take me too far, I'm scared of the stars,
The stars are stars, coz they shine O' Sun,
If I weep inside, would you take me to Moon?
All the tears role down, while praying my lord,
Don't wipe my tears, they just speak O' my heart
Tears speak O' my delight, laughters tell O'my fright,
Don't hide my tears, don't hide my smiles...
If I could sing a song, I would sing thy lores;
Thy lores of faith and thy lores of lights...
I can sing of the Sun, I can sing of the stars;
You dazzle with the light, million Suns n million stars!
If I could soar up there, higher up in your skies;
Would they open thy doors to kingdom of the lights?
At the times I may stumble, at the times I may cry..
I'll never quit the journey, I'll give one more try! !

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