Jonathan Poem by Angel Rose Romance


I am so confused,
I no not what to do.
My mind races wtih thoughts of you.
My heart races when I hear you name!
But you are with her and I am with him.
Its hard for me.
I call you everayday out of habbit and curoisty,
I keep wishing one day that I will wake up,
and we never were broke up.
I am so in love with you! !
I always will love you,
but its hard because you make me feel,
that you do not love me at all.
I would do anything for you.
I would leave you alone if thats what it would take to make you happy,
even though it would kill me inside.
I feel bad when I dream of you insted of him,
or when I talk to him and he reminds me of you.
How I stay aways for days at a time,
just so I do not have the dreams of me and you.
I can not take the memorys of you.
It is a wonderful one but it hurts to remember it,
Because like you said'We could never work out! '
The words that tore my heart out and ripped it into a million pieces.
I am in love with you and always will be.
But I must bid thee adue until we are ment to be ocnce more.
All I have to say is I will always be there for you no matter what! ! !

*Trusting You* 13 June 2009

this makes since and even if it didnt your writing is for you... no one else... anyway, you will get over that guy I had a relationship go like that and it was better that we broke up. you probably dont think you will but in a year it will be in your past. or this is just went on with me. ~MC~

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Angel Rose Romance 02 June 2009

I prolly makes no since to anybody but me, but this is the guy who i will always love no matter what! ! ! ! He made me fall in love with him and i just cannot seem to fall out of love with him: {

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