Jewels Above Price Poem by Betty L. Delaney

Jewels Above Price

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The air is crisp and clear,
As Fall tells of winter drawing near.
Hues of red, gold, brown, and green,
In the tree leaves, can be seen.

You almost wish it would not end,
But, know Seasons must blend
So the cycle of life may go on,
For Earth to rest before New Birth!

God has given wonderful colors to each Season,
And they each have rhyme and reason
Even in the Winter snow,
The rainbow hues glisten so!

By The Master's Design, our World was made
And He painted it with every color, in every shade.
The warmth of the reds, the uplifting brightness of yellow,
The peaceful blues and purples, ease tensions in a fellow.

The life giving greens, so abundantly seen,
And in the Earth itself, every tint of brown may be seen.
In darkness, color is not visible to the eye
Rather black and gray, in Earth and sky.

The Light is necessary, for the beauty of colors to be seen
And this has been true, since Time began
The Light of the World is Jesus, oh yes!
Without Him, all Life would be a sea of blackness!

Would you be rich? Famous? Secure?
The colors Christ gives mean far more.
He gives the Rainbow, as a promise secure,
Mountains and valleys, trees, flowers, foods, and water so pure!

Are not all these, Jewels above price?
His Life within you, makes Death loose its fright.
We really are somebody, in Christ!
It makes us His Jewels above price !!

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