It's You I Desire Poem by cinemod osrevart

It's You I Desire

If just one glance at you could hypnotise,
With brow raised one look into your eyes,
Could make you take me home with you tonight.

If I could summon courage to command,
Or even dare to try and make demands,
Such that I'll be with you till morning's light.

But sadly I just smile and say goodnight,
I realise I've just once again denied,
Us both utmost and deserved delight,

I fear I'm heading straight to status 'friend',
The risk of you on dates with other men,
And me on dates just to bide my time

So what I need to stress so that you know,
I feel it more each time I see you go,
I want to chase your car and run behind

The way you looked tonight that dress in grey,
You owned it with the colour of your skin
That face, those eyes, those lips, that smile.

Not the only ones In the room tonight,
For every move you make one hundred eyes
I glance subtly or so I presume
If I get caught glancing I just won't mind

I want you to see this affecting me
And make it clear that it's you I desire

Thursday, January 21, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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