Is This The Year The World Will End? Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Is This The Year The World Will End?

The Mayans knew a thing or two.
They forecast that the world would end
In two thousand and ten plus two.
I do not think we can depend

On their prediction coming true..
There have been prophecies before
Predicting that the end was due,
I do not there will be more.

I do not claim to prophecies
I have no faith in those who do.
My world will end the day I die.
I think the same applies to you.

I could be wrong quite possibly
It may be true the Mayans knew.
Enough to state with certainty.
That their prediction would come true.

The Mayans were astronomers
They left behind a legacy
In the form of calendars
What they believed would come to be.

Is this the year of destiny?
We have no choice but wait and see.
I think that very probably.
We’ll carry on regardlessly.

It just another prophecy.
Though based on erudition.
The Mayans thought mistakenly.
Would herald the destruction.

Of everything and everyone.
We hope that it will prove to be
another failed prediction.
Like every other prophecy.

What fate decrees will come to be.
The world is bound to end some day.
But when remains a mystery.
No man alive can solve today.

ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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