Ironic... Poem by Lilly Solares


Something's going on... I'm not sure what it is yet but I can feel it comming...


'Disappointment is easy, you get over disappointment.... but your dreams? how can you live without knowing what's gonna happen? '

Not that I don't care about knowing what's gonna happen... but I don't really want to know...

Something's going on... for when you feel butterflies in your stomach when you see who you love even when they won't look your way... it's a feeling that you can't describe... only this time I don't think it's butterflies what I feel... it's something that makes me feel...


it's disappointment... I know it

disappointed at myself 'cause I haven't achieved my goal of not caring, of not loving blindly someone who's not within my reach... as so many times before...

I told a friend of mine the other day ' you shouldn't wait for her (as in: 'you don't deserve to be waiting') because there is always someone out there waiting for you' but you know what? ? I changed my mind...

Where would we be if we were with the person who's waiting for us and not with the person we really want? ? I don't think we would be as happy as we deserve if we chose the person who seems right for us but hasn't really... made us dream while we're still awake or go around and around and around wondering...

irony... feeds upon my worst moments of silence... comes as cold wind on a winter morning... catches up with me to tell me that it has happened again and that even though it didn't take me as much to wake up from my dream and burst my bubble as it did last time there's still a long way to go... and a world out there to learn from...

disappointment is easy... I get over disappointment...

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