Inner Circle Poem by Edward Kofi Louis

Inner Circle

Drew, brew!
With the muse of love and,
With the joy of your heart;
In the land of the red roses.

Crew, drew!
With the joy of the land;
After the rising of the sun,
Bringing peace to all.

Flew, Crew!
With the muse of the atmosphere;
Learning the ways of life,
With the muse of peace and gladness.

Sew, flew!
With the muse of your love;
In the land of beautiful flowers,
And, with the peace of your mind.

Hew, sew!
With the ways of your land;
And, with the muse of your sweet love,
Sharing and caring for others.

Mew, hew!
With the muse of the animals in your land;
And, with the muse of the red roses,
Leading to the joy of your heart.

Stew, mew!
At the inner circle;
Blossom red roses! !
In the land of beautiful flowers.

View, stew!
With the muse of your status;
And, with the joy of your heart,
Sharing with others in peace.

Dew, view!
With the muse of your sweet love;
In the land of the red roses,
With the muse of life teaching you.

Threw, dew!
With the view ahead of you;
As the insects flew around the red roses,
In the land of your joy.

Edward Kofi Louis

Edward Kofi Louis

Accra, GHANA
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