In The Secret Of My Thought (I Look Up To Him) Poem by uchenna nnodum

In The Secret Of My Thought (I Look Up To Him)

In abyss of despair,
When i feel like am drowning
In the ocean of Sorrow
Yes, there is no revival - I think
No hope...

The eternity of darkness around
The sound of water droplets on the ground
And the growl of a gruesome beast
Out there, lingering
Fill the thick darkness
Slipping into my head through my pinna'd-eardrums.
My spine slumped and my knees drawn up to my cheeks
My heart misses several beats and numbs
My mind wonders
And wanders through the desert, mazes and forests of thoughts

Then suddenly I remember His comforting words
yes, His own words,
So comforting I feel a soft palm stroking my back
The illumination of light
So pure and Bright!
Not of this corrupt world
But of His Might
Flashes across what seemed like-
The dark cage of Bondage
Now seems like a horizon of freedom
Finally I could see my hands once more
The Light on my palms and the silhouette of my arms
For Light shines from the East
Down to the West where i squat
And my heart, a big rumble and beat

Even when my last finger is about to slip away
From the little rock I hold on to,
Of this world of silver and gold
And I know deep in my mind
Or rather I cannot make it
I look up to Him and His light holds my hand
Lifts me up and leads me to the right path.

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