In The Privacy Of My Aloneness Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

In The Privacy Of My Aloneness

Even in the privacy of my aloneness,
I think of ways...
To perfect the doing of that at my best.
And pray to God I do everyday,
To forgive my wishes...
For wanting to care less.
About others who choose to become upset,
Over the most petty little things...
The could leave behind but can not forget.

Today people seem to crave unrest.
Feeding on conflicts and looking for more mess.
And sharing negativity as if not to get enough.
To then select someone to pick next,
With a doing it until they have achieved success.

Tip toeing demons are now confessing,
The heat from the debris they have initiated...
Was not intended to last without end.
And now they have begun with hopes to sit,
Quietly with terrorists to find appropriate solutions...
With a doing this at a table,
Without it to decide admitting who's more ignorant.

But there is just one 'glaring' problem.
No one considered or invited to sit,
Will be allowed to prove and with evidence...
Their minds to use exposes an intelligence.
Stupid is as stupid does.
And no one wants to admit,
This kind of mindless thoughtlessness.

Even in the privacy of my aloneness,
I think of ways...
To perfect the doing of that at my best.
And pray to God I do everyday,
To forgive my wishes...
For wanting to care less.
With no guilt to feel, wonder or guess,
If someone else believes...
My peace to keep with it wanted kept,
Is an act that shows I am being selfish.
And I pray to God for more blessings like this,
To witness.

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