In The Abyss Of Madness Poem by Cassiel Smith

In The Abyss Of Madness

Rating: 5.0

Within the depths of a deranged romance's throes,
Figures lurk in which sanity in no way goes.
One, a sadist with eyes of twisted pleasure,
The other, a masochist, craving the night.

Their love a dance of shadows and screams,
A twisted ballet of their chaotic dreams.
The sadist's touch, a razor's caress,
The masochist's sighs, a tortured confess.

In the moonlit caverns of their twisted minds,
They weave a tapestry of ache that binds.
The sadist's merciless laughter, a symphony of dread,
The masochist's whispered pleas, softly unfold.

Their love is aware of no boundaries, no earthly bounds,
Within the darkest corners, their ardour resounds.
The sadist unearths pride within the masochist's woe,
At the same time as the masochist craves the sadist's merciless blow.

Of their shared insanity, they find release,
A sanctuary in which pain is peace.
Their love a labyrinth, problematic and dark,
In which affliction and ecstasy depart their mark.

Through whispered confessions inside the useless of night,
They experience each other's darkest light.
For of their madness, they have discovered their home,
Two souls intertwined, forever to roam.

Within the depths of their twisted embody,
They discover solace in their shared disgrace.
A sadist and a masochist, hand in hand,
Sure by means of love in a madman's land.

Inside the twisted corridors in their twisted minds,
They play out their love, no boundaries to discover.
The sadist's cruel desires, a tormenting storm,
The masochist's longing, an endless mourn.

Their love a story of ache and pleasure,
In the darkest corners, they locate respite.
The sadist's lashes, a symphony of pain,
The masochist's tears, a cleaning rain.

Inside the twisted tangle in their tangled souls,
They discover solace in the pain that unfolds.
The sadist's starvation, a ravenous beast,
The masochist's give up, a twisted banquet.

Their love a labyrinth of pride and pain,
Inside the depths of madness, they continue to be.
The sadist's dominance, a fiery blaze,
The masochist's submission, a willing craze.

In the shadows wherein sanity fades away,
They dance together, night and day.
A sadist and a masochist, sure by way of their preference,
In a twisted union, they in no way tire.

Their love a twisted tale of dark pride,
Within the depths of madness, they take flight.
The sadist's whispers, a siren's name,
The masochist's craving, in no way to fall.

Within the twisted symphony in their twisted love,
They locate peace in the ache that they may be made of.
A sadist and a masochist, hand in hand,
Bound by way of love in a madman's land.

Their story of twisted love is aware of no quit,
In the darkest depths, they transcend.
For within the shadows wherein demons stay,
They find a sanctuary, their own hell.

In the depths of their insanity, they find salvation,
A twisted union, a dark revelation.
The sadist's torment, the masochist's bliss,
Their love, a twisted, eternal abyss.

Inside the darkest recesses of their twisted minds,
They discover solace in the ache that binds.
For in their insanity, they are finally free,
Souls intertwined in dark ecstasy.

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