In Order To Repair Poem by Nikhil Parekh

In Order To Repair

In order to repair the broken door; what was required was a plethora of finely
chiseled nails; along with an adroit carpenter,

In order to repair the tumbledown television; what was required was a maze of
intricate wires; and the services of a technician,

In order to repair the severely corrugated road; what was required was bountiful amounts of fresh mud; to be scrupulously compacted by the gigantic bulldozer,

In order to repair the shoddy shoe; what was required was strong spools of
thread; and a metallic bodkin to meticulously stitch the same,

In order to repair the fragile economy of the country; what was required was a
stringent dictator; who thoroughly refrained from indulging into the most
inconspicuous of malpractice; shirked his face away from taking bribe,

In order to repair the houses flooded with the onslaught of stormy coastal
waves; what was required was to evacuate the afflicted from the tyranny of

In order to repair the dilapidated car; what was required was a host of scintillating spare parts; and a drum replete with lubricant oil,

In order to repair the punctured tier; what was required was a few bellows of
compressed air; which lay incarcerated in the hand pump,

In order to repair the contemporary timepiece; what was required was a pair of
lead batteries; engendering white current to flow,

In order to repair the shattered mirror; what was required was long pieces of pellucid glass; along with a rotund bottle of sticky glue,

In order to repair the disheveled painting; what was required was an artist blending it with vibrant colors from his brush; transforming its complexion into virtually new,

In order to repair raw wounds oozing blood; what was required was a sprinkle
of emollient antiseptic,

In order to repair the gaping hole in the wall; what was required was articulately sculptured bricks; which could fill the same to perfection,

In order to repair the discarded aircraft; what was required was to refuel it
with gasoline; strengthen its tapered wings,

In order repair burnt hair adorning the scalp; what was required was to tonsure the scalp entirely; to facilitate brand new clusters to grow,

In order to repair the torn parchment of bonded paper; what was required was
adhesive tape which held the sheet in a vice like grip,

In order to repair the earthquake stricken edifices; what was required was to
dismantle them completely; replacing them with fresh ones having superior
resistance to shock,

In order to repair the smashed web of the spider; what was required was to
feed the beast with lots of insect; thereby granting it strength to spin other one,

In order to repair wholesome darkness prevailing on this earth; what was required was the omnipotent light of courage shining unrelentingly,

And in order to repair my broken heart; what was required was a girl who could
love me intensely; make me oblivious to the horrendous anecdotes and my miseries of the past.

Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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