In Love, There Are No Winners! Poem by Gold Trybes

In Love, There Are No Winners!

I have made mistakes. Great mistakes in my past, with some of past decisions, with some of the things i said or did. A man is never complete until the day he realizes that there is a life somewhere greater than he's ever known. I make no excuses. I own them all. As hard as it may be to forgive all my deeds towards you, i always want you to remember that the love i have for u will never change. I have said hurtful words to u. Words that can never be taken back, even if i wished i could take them back. I have disrespected you in a lot of ways i thought was the right thing to do. You always said i was being selfish and i always thought u were crazy for saying and thinking that but now i realize. Now i see all that you saw that i never did see. Now i realize that you were the right one and i was the wrong one. You have to understand that a man is nothing without his past. Although i have a father figure in my life, but just like u, i have never really learned anything from him. My father has never really shared anything personal about his life with me or my siblings that we could begin to learn from to shape us into the man who ought to become. Everything i am today, i learned from friends, from books, from experience. No personal experience from my dad. I do not give excuses, its just the reality of who i am. The life which i knew was the one that always wants his way. Never knew what it meant to die to flesh but i thank God for all that's happened. It felt like my life sank the moment you gave me those conditions. I felt like you were pushing me away from you. Alas, little did i know that you are a messenger sent to push me towards my destiny. i have always loved the Lord with my whole heart even though i have engaged in things i have not been proud of. In-spite of it all, i give him all the glory for this light. Again, i have made mistakes. Mistakes i thought were the right things to do. Mistakes i thought were the right path for me, or can a man act beyond what he knows? No. Now, i realize too much of what i know to be true is flawed and God willing am ready to make amends if the opportunity provides itself. I am a work in progress and i have decided to forgo that life you know i had.I have fallen too many times in my life that so many times i questioned how i was ever going to rise but now I have made a decision and a commitment to God to make things right in His presence. In ALL things, His will must be done. I haven't gone anywhere. I am still here. I want to work things out. Out of the imperfection that is me, i still believe without a shadow of doubt that you are the woman for me except if God ordains otherwise. If there is still a space left in you, i ask that u forgive, accept me back as that prodigal son who suddenly realized his mistake and came back to his father for forgiveness. I have settled with my maker, now i ask for your forgiveness and love.

Gajanan Mishra 13 August 2013

forgiveness and love, good write, thanks.

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