In Every Beat Of My Heart Poem by Mohammad Younus

In Every Beat Of My Heart

In every beat of my heart,
there comes the sound - Allah! Allah!
From every beat of my heart,
Rise myriad joyous tunes as the king's musician,
Is passing through my heart;
My listening soul asks,
The unseen musician aboutcthese tunes:
What are these tunes,
That are constantly sprouting in my heart?

From behind the veil,
He replied: that's not for you to know,
But it's a priceless thing,
That's clear, for you to be bonded to Love;
A heavy tune sounded,
And the listening soul as if broke off the cage;
At that very moment,
I got to know: that was me playing my own lute;
I am a free bird,
No, No, No one can cage me -
I was never in a cage.

I carry a shepherd's staff,
To lean upon, and a flute under my lips;
It is I who is sounding,
The flute to lead my flock to the meadow;
A shepherd without staff,
And flute lets the beasts devour his flock;
Every one of us is a shepherd,
And we will be asked about our flock;
My beloved is happy,
Watching me doing the shepherd's noble job.

Upon the splendid beauty,
Of my beloved do I fix my gaze;
It's he whom I see,
Shining like the jewel glowing on the crown;
How can sight this jewel,
Whose eyes of heart are tightly closed?
Is it not foolish praising,
The glow of this jewel to a blind heart?
It is like asking a person,
To hear music who has got a deaf heart.


In Every Beat Of My Heart
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