Important Things Poem by Geoffrey Fafard

Important Things

Rating: 5.0

Crush a green Eucalyptus leaf
You can inhale the fragrance
Crush a dead brown Eucalyptus leaf
It is totally different aroma
I didn't know that all these years
Some dogs look into the sky
Spot planes and follow with their gaze
So smart..I didn't know that
The scent on a Southerly is stronger
There is less moisture on that wind
It is drier than a northerly up here
I didn't know that till lately either
A large Barramundi is always a female
And lives in freshwater but
Can only spawn in the salt
I knew this but not that she can
Lay one million eggs at one session
There are so many important things to learn
So why do we
Preoccupy our time
With rubbish like warfare, hatred, tension
And unacceptability
Anyway I am out of here
I have suddenly discovered that there are
Different shaped rain drops
Falling from different heights
I need to investigate
So many important things to find out
Before I die.

Friday, December 22, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: observation
I just found out that friendship is earned and is not free
Did I know this…..?
John Ahern 22 December 2017

Hi Geoffrey, wonderful words of discovery, love it. It happens each day, unfortunately, these days we seem too busy to appreciate all that is going on around us.

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Geoffrey Fafard 22 December 2017

Cheers John and much appreciation of your great comments. Stay safe. Geoffrey.

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Rajnish Manga 22 December 2017

The nature is more interesting, bizarre or stranger than we had ever thought. Same may be true about friendship also. But one has to go deep to draw conclusions. Loved reading this poem with your notes. There are so many important things to learn So why do we / Preoccupy our time With rubbish like warfare, hatred, tension

2 1 Reply
Geoffrey Fafard 22 December 2017

Rajnish. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this poem. I appreciate your words of encouragement.Geoffrey.

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