Imagination Rules The World Poem by Mahalaxmi Naidu

Imagination Rules The World

Imagination rules the world, this is what once quoted,
Having it in originality is for what, we are motivated.
It can take you to the wildest part of the world’s corner,
to ocean, top of the mountain, it can take you anywhere.
Can refresh you, your mind & your soul,
Isn’t it a fact that imagination rules the world?

We can be in the sea or under the tree, in the place of greenery,
We can be anywhere, any place, wherever we want to be.
We can walk on the fire, or on the prickly pieces of glasses,
With a smile on face, having no sign of grievances.
We can reach on the top of a mountain hill with a jump one,
We can swim like a fish and like a horse we can run.
Wonder, in a day, a new born to become an adult,
With no diplomacy, we can talk whatever we felt.
Life with no pain, no tears, no sorrow and grief,
Imagine a life filled with laughter, joy & relief.
Having health, wealth & power throughout the life,
Everywhere in the world to have it in rife.
Imagine a distinct creativity of creation,
It ought to be a magnificent piece of imagination.

Imagine a night with shining sun around,
And with joy, the moon dancing down.
Imagination is fun & can actually revive your mind,
To imagine rather unique, one of it’s kind.
Such a wonderful gift to human, God has bestowed,
Beyond doubt, imagination… truly rules the world.

By Mahalaxmi Naidu
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Mahalaxmi Naidu

Mahalaxmi Naidu

Mumbai / presently in Dubai, UAE
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