Im Ready Poem by CJS Sincere

Im Ready

Time will try to get the best of you,
It got the best of me,
but not anymore,
I'm focused and ready,
Determined to better myself,
This I claim in Jesus name,
I always knew I couldn't do it alone,
I was just being stupid,
There's no other way to put it,
Now I'm just ready Lord,
Ready to trust you,
To do all you said you would if I just believe and
try my best to do your will,
I mean really try.
If I have to cry so be it,
Because I know you will help me Lord I know your there,
I know you care,
I'm so ready I feel like I'm going to war with the devil,
and now I finally have the upper hand,
Because I have you Jesus,
I feel I am competing with myself also because I want to do better
then I have ever done,
So I'm going to challenge myself,
This will be the greatest year I have ever had in my life,
and that is just setting me up for better ones to come,
I have sinned and told some lies the very first day
of my journey but I'm not giving up that's what the devil wants but no,
I'm going to win,
I'm going to try not to sin,
I'm going to better myself,
I'm going to work harder,
Try harder,
Fight harder,
Love harder,
trust harder,
Lord you have given me what I wanted,
You made me a man,
I'm ready Jesus,
I'm ready.

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