If You Love Me Poem by Leloudia Migdali

If You Love Me

Rating: 5.0

If you love me, no ocean will keep us apart,
mountains or rivers
If you love me, you will find a way to be close to me
Whatever life brings
If you love me, you will show me a path we can walk together
Side by side
If you love me, you will take me to uncharted seas to explore,
holding hands
If you love me, you will see nowhere grey,
Only red, the color of fire
If you love me, you will be the sky in my life
And let me be your sun
If you love me, you will keep me deep into your heart
And never let me go
If you love me, you will show me the new moon
And make a wish
If you love me, I will be in your world,
For ever
If you love me, you will let me cherish your love,
and sink my soul in this
If you love me, you will not choose silence,
Silence can be vengeance
If you love me, never let me leave your mind,
My place is there
But if you do not love me
Let me only dream of your love

Sunday, August 2, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Roseann Shawiak 16 February 2016

Unconditional love can never be kept from being fulfilled in the heart of a person whom you've decided to love in life. Within their mind and yours, love between the two of you can never be forgotten, it's never silent, it must be brought to fruition and finally fulfilled. Fantastic poem, sincere, honest and beautiful! ! 10+++++++++++++++++++ Thank you for sharing. RoseAnn

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Edward Kofi Louis 18 January 2016

If you love me, you will care for me. Nice work.

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Leloudia Migdali 18 January 2016

Thank you so much!

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Dr Antony Theodore 13 January 2016

If you love me, you will take me to uncharted seas to explore, holding hands If you love me, you will see nowhere grey, Only red, the color of fire... sky, sun, soul, world.... i live in your mind if u love me. very nice and passionate thoughts of the one who is in love. thank you dear poetess. tony

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Leloudia Migdali 13 January 2016

Thank you so much for reading my poem, tony!

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Dimitrios Galanis 12 January 2016

A very nice poem.The whole of it.But the last verse wins the award.

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Leloudia Migdali 13 January 2016

Thank you for your kind comment and your time for reading it!

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Leloudia Migdali 13 January 2016

Thank you for your kind words! I really appreciate it!

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Fabrizio Frosini 20 December 2015

ciao Leoludia... come promesso (oggi è il 20 Dicembre) ..... our the book is ready (at this very moment, it is in revision - by Amazon) and in a few hours (6-12 hs) it will be online BUT, PLEASE, WAIT for my EMAIL, before sending the letters, ok? there are some news.. _____________________________________________________________________

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Leloudia Migdali 13 January 2016

Of course, Fabrizio! Although by now all have taken their way! Buona Fortuna a tutti noi!

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