If You Feel Depressed Poem by Christina Sunrise

If You Feel Depressed

To anyone depressed and feels like a mess.
I do feel for your brain I know why you are going insane.
Insane is the world on this crazy train
We all know Prozac and all the of the mind altering drugs
make people more controlled and more numb-
Isn't it better to know the absolute Truth?
Then to listen to fables from bestselling books?
Well come here and listen beyond the great veil-
Your spiritual eyes and ears have been blinded
by the prince of this world.
Most people walk in darkness every single day
They don't know they are controlled by
a familiar spirit who has the enemies OK.
This spirit came in from an ancestor of old
the spirit came through your bloodline
with an assignment to make your craziness unfold.
Like your mental wounds that have no cure
but here is the cure that is more than physically pure.
Listen closely the answer is here.
You are body, soul and spirit and made in
the image of the great I AM
His Holy Spirit can heal your brain only Jesus name
above all names can heal the mental wounds that make you insane.
Written by Christina Sunrise on January 2,2021

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