If I Don'T (2001) Poem by Lillian B. Rose

If I Don'T (2001)

If I don't need you, why do my arms tell me so
If I don't want you, why can't I let you go
If I don't love you, why do I get tranced in your eyes
If You're gone, why don't I realize

If I'm dreaming, why can't I be awakened
If I'm drowning, why deeper do you drag me
If I'm listening, what is it I don't hear
If I smile, will I hide away my tears

If I look forward, will you get in my way
If I walk backwards, how long will you stay
If a star fell, would you be riding on its tail
If my alarm woke me, would you silence the morning bell

If I was lonely, would you tell me another joke
If the rain fell, would you be a shelter from the storm
If I embraced you, could you hold on for the ride
Or would you leave me as sure as the morning tide

If I succeed, would you smile proud at me
If I'd fallen, would you bend down to kiss my knee
If I need a drop of comfort, would you wrap me in your arms
Driving away the dark both night and day afford

If I need you, would you RUN away
If I want you, would you tell the heart to stray
If I love you, would you say 'get a life'
For you know full well, I have a better one with Christ

If I reach out, would I be burned
If I held back, abandoned would I be?
If I dared to dream, brand me a 'fool for life'
If I lay awake, would your prayers find me tonight

Though this day, the tempests play
Near the path I walk along, with God's Comfort
The one who shook my heart with love
Discovered nerves already worn

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