Idealism Is A Thief Poem by Tina Rizk

Idealism Is A Thief

Life Taught Me

Idealism is a thief
A thief that steals your joy
Self-confidence, and ability to achieve

Idealism steals your passion
Your inner peace and self-love
You'll feel weak, unable to do anything

Allow yourself to do things imperfectly,
Insufficiently, and imprecisely
That's the process of learning
With practice and perseverance
You'll sharpen your skills

On the other hand,

Stay away from excessive emotionality
Don't force anyone to stand by you
To help you or stay with you

The person who loves you
Will create an illusion to stay
And the one who doesn't love you
Will create a million reasons to leave

Be your own best friend
Because the wisdom of coming to life
Alone and leaving it in the same way
Didn't come out of nothing

Copyright ©️ Tina Rizk

Idealism Is A Thief
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