I Wonder, I Ponder Poem by Daphne Nye

I Wonder, I Ponder

Still in my teen years, I feel old.
I'm healthy, but I feel weak.

My younger brother, just learning to fly.
Fills me with ire, yet obligated to stay calm.

I know someone out there feels me,
What happens after harsh hours in the Sophomore days.

Can I stay calm? Can I keep quiet?

Thus, I tell my parents,
That he's obnoxious and unbearable.

They frown yet still smiling,
'You were like that once.'

Refreshed, as if it was faulty of me to accuse a first grader.
Beset me not, all first graders are quite edgy.

A spark,
That I had forgotten the strong emotions and feelings I had felt last winter.
A spark, a realization,
That I would probably forget what it feels like to be a teenager.
Just like how I forgot how it felt like to have no responsibilities.

I wonder, when my parents accuse me for being unreasonable and oblivious,
But we, my parents and I, are different.
Different perspectives, different age, different range of experience.
I am learning, they are applying what they have learnt.

Have they forgotten how it feels like to be a teenager?
One day, when I am older and wiser and pragmatic.
Will I act the same?
I fear that, because my parents are the tangible examples.

I don't want to become one who doesn't understand.
I don't want to be accused or be the one accusing.
But I fear I might and I fear I will.
But I have learnt, I learn and I am still learning.

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