I Will Mother You.....Too Poem by malini kadir

malini kadir

malini kadir

Nagapatinam, a coastal port, Tamilnadu, India NOW RESIDING IN TRICHY

I Will Mother You.....Too

I could walk miles
and miles in search of you...
I could bear thorns on my feet
In sheer defeat
But I would still like the hands of time
To wrap you with success
In all you do

I would wish you the best of food
To tantalize your lips;
The best of drinks to rejuvenate you....
I would like your walks to keep you fit
Your memory of your lasting wit.....

I would love to fly into your life
Once in a way to see with my own eyes
The joy of your unfolding life
Never wishing to interlude
I would simply spend a few moments
feasting my eyes in your surround....
With your casual words
read much into the moments

Knowing your limits and then my own
I would smiling leave.....
Never to your love disown....
Only never to give it a name
For I am committed and I know it;
You know it too......

Duty is real
All else a part and parcel
Smile I do at God's understanding...
Of me so very well....
And basking in his love rejoice
he has you presented to me
A simple gift for life.....

Simply to cherish never to own......
_______________________________________Malini kadir

malini kadir

malini kadir

Nagapatinam, a coastal port, Tamilnadu, India NOW RESIDING IN TRICHY
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