I Was Wrong Then And Now Poem by Pheko Motaung

I Was Wrong Then And Now

Rating: 3.0

Men like me live on to be haunted by
The crimes of their criminal conscience
Old soldiers die because thé are evil
I déclare.I was wrong then and now
Thé sun does not set on thé empire of crime
Because it is founded on thé bloodstains of
Child molestation and gang rape by society
I know that the honey of your
Sassy love is virulent and cruel
By Time's missives girl child
I am not getting any younger
The sun leads the troops in the
Harvest of the solemn death threats
That got my childhood friends hence
I vow.I am too old to be your lover

The moon's heart bleeds because of our
Crimes, the conscience of man is dead
My old haunts are the themes of my shame
They lionize me for the wrong reasons
And abuse vulnerable little girls like you
You wait for me tonight not knowing that
Who I used to be deservedly died years ago
You say you are old enough.I wish you kind
Wisdoms, when the star shines on your life tell
The world that you are wide awake and none
Will corrupt you in thé flower of your youth

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and pain
Pheko Motaung

Pheko Motaung

Reitz.Republic Of South Africa
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