I Try Poem by Katie P...

I Try

Rating: 5.0

I try,
I try so hard everyday,
to become better,
a better person with a better life,
with treating everyone nicer & better, as everyone should be treated.

I try so hard & yet... at the end of the day parts of the most important people show's me their 'support' of just one thing.

I try so hard, & all they show me is that i didn't beomce better,
I didn't treat everyone nicer & better,
& I definitely didn't become a better person.

I try so hard, for the one's who should be supporting me,
& I try so hard, to make them proud,
I try so hard, with all i've got,
but at the end of the day,
all i've got, obviously isn't enough.

Lolita Hiroshi 24 August 2007

i hope this doesn't offend you, , , , but maybe you are trying a little too hard? maybe that's the problem... you try hard... and i NOT hard enough.... This words touch me deeply, for i have been here, yet, i'm not here anymore, because of this feelings i don't really know who i am. I am a mature woman, who depends only on herself, who doesn't ask for help. But i am trying to hard to please everyone and just be a better person because it is simply a good deed and it makes people BELIEVE i am a better person or do I really believe i am a better person? Confusing, yep, i'm confusing, i am even confusing myself.......X: I get off track really easy, forgive me if i give you a head ache just for trying to understand what i say. I am not very good with words, but you are! ! When i read this poem i felt sandness, anger, frustation......... The emotion is all there, some people have to read between the lines and some people just read and go deeper than just the words or some, those lazy people, just read and ONLY understand the obvious. anyways, i better let you go before i bore you to death sincerely, Lolita

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