I Shall Miss Forever Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

I Shall Miss Forever

I shall miss forever trees bending in the wind

the sunset light shows, the pearl of dawn

stars scattered across the country night or dew across the lawns

the blue of frost. coming home after feeling lost

the feeling, walking through meadows I have not forgotten.

I shall say goodbye in tears to the moon sailing through clouds

and weaving its gold or silver or its rose o its ivory kingdoms

as if it had threaded its own needle of light on the outside then

the hem of night

the redolence of soil after the rains and the moldering leaves

the stage set of my childhood home that is no more no more my own

and Christmas deeply anticipated; all the sweets; the Crowning Star

the springing sound of any screen door the small rain or the deluge

on the roof so many things I dare not name the drifting snow

when I must leave at last the way it has felt to me drifting through Time

and dream, on the green and golden earth

on the earth so overcome with beauty despite the waves the cruel

expensive waves

assaulting us now as then. I shall miss and miss again

the whisper of the wind; the scents of pine; the rose and the lilied

Springs. the blue lilac of the heavens

arching over everything.

mary angela douglas 8 november 2020

Sunday, November 8, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: beauty,earth,goodbye,homesick
Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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