I Need To Write Poem by Phat Poet

I Need To Write

I need to write...
I need to write like a crack head needs another hit on that pipe; just like him I can't get through my day without it and doing it makes me feel right...
I want that rush that all natural high to help me sleep at night; that feeling you get when It seems like your words carry a sweet message like a humming bird and have the ability to take flight...
I need to write because if I don't I might lose my touch; and I can't have that because at times I have a smooth vibe that the ladies seem to love so much...
But on a serious note I can't stop writing; because the paper is my heart, and each stroke of the pen is a beat; and the moment I stop will mean the end of me and the only way that will happen is when I fall to my knees to the lord askin for forgiveness as I bow my head at his feet...

So I have to think deeply when I write
because its threpudic for me; and it helps me deal with my current situation that came to be...
Writing is my release and being a poet is my passion; I may be as quiet as mouse in person but read my work and you'll feel thunder and lighting hit the page in an uncontrollable fashion...
So say my stuff is weak or it dosent meet the proper format; and ill write you into a revenge piece that hurt your mind body and soul so please haters hate on because that's fuel to my fire and I need that...
Whether you write plays or poetry that pleases the crowd; or revolutionary anthems that are meant to be read with bravado and passion shouted loud and proud...
Keep writing and the next time someone tries to push up on your hustle and ask the reasoning for you; just say I need to write what important thing is it that you do?

Phat Poet

Phat Poet

Santa Clara, C.A.
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