I'M Gonna Write You A New Poem Poem by David Knox

I'M Gonna Write You A New Poem

It seems like every time I sit down to write of you
That it's forced, it's negative, it's a battle, it's depressing too
But that's now how I want you to think that I think of you, because
I actually love you, just pause
And think, and remember that I tried to push you away
In everything... that yo might say
That you'd never love me.
Then I KNOW you'd be happy because I'm just not good enough
Then I try to be tough
And accept the pain, you know, love you enough to let you go.
But I want to make sure that you also KNOW
That I ardently love you, you see
Not every poem about you is negative or about the struggle inside of me
I actually could go on for hours about how much I care
Could go on for hours about your wonderful traits and hair
But the real reason I love you so
Is because you're beautiful on the inside
That is why it makes me wonder why you seem to hide
Behind makeup and pride
Don't you know
That you're enough without all those things

I pray you do, but I know I can't be the one to tell you
I pray you have someone to love for who you are too
I wish it could be me, but I guess that's up to you
So I just needed to write a poem that could say how much I love you
But I don't know the words to say, and I'm scared that if I tell you
All the reasons that I love you
I won't be able to stop, and then I won't be able to let you

David Knox

David Knox

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