I Is In The Center Of Me And You Poem by Ayotokunbo Ajewole

I Is In The Center Of Me And You

I is right at the center of sIn,
I is at the begInning and at the endIng,
of all the displeases the most HIgh God.

I is right at the center of Pride,
the haughty spIrIt,
the disdainful look,
the boastful lIps,
the tinkling feet,
it is I that tells me that I‘m better than you.

I is the center of crIme,
I steals, I kills, I destroys,
I lies to cover I’s deeds,
and it is I that refuses to forgive another.
Even if I had just been forgiven,
it is I that tells me that I should not let It go.

I demands an eye for an eye,
a tooth for a tooth,
love for love, and hate for hate.
Do me bad and I will do you worse.
I will step on your foot,
and I will expect you to say sorry,
and if you don’t,
I will make you an enemy of me.

But do you know that:

I is also right at the center of gratItude,
lIps that say thank you,
eyes that blink “I love you”,
hands that are always sweet with favors.

I is also right the center of happIness
it is I that decides against sadness,
I will refuse to despair,
and closes Its hands to evIl-opportunity.
I is first in uncharted waters,
I will help you, I will love you,
I will treat you no different from how I treat me,
If you are in trouble and you need some help,
I will make sure I help you.

I is all over, at the center of you and me,
what we were; what we are, and
all that we will ever be, individually and together.
I dictates what we do together, and what we don’t,
the heIghts we reach together,
the pIts we fall into together,
I is the center of the life we live: 24-hours per day

and just in case you have read through the above and you don’t understand, please take a deep breath and read it once again: the greatest problem of man is the “I” in me and you.

And when the I in you and the I in me realIze that “together, we are“, we will begin to love each other, help each other, then the world will be a better place.

Inspiration: it was a day when I tried pondering what the exact problem of this world is:


author: ayotokunbo ajewole
date: 14-Oct-2009
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