I Hate This Christmas Holyday Poem by Buyunde Akura Sylivester

I Hate This Christmas Holyday

Tearing my heart,
Into pieces apart,
Again we gonna miss,
Each, moment of kiss,
I hate this Christmas Holyday.

Not even a word?
How'd be my world?
Till where and when?
What of ogling eyes of men?
I hate this Christmas hollyday.

Tearing away from beauty,
From a concentrated Cutie,
Born of crescent moon,
Grown in a day-bright noon,
I hate this Christmas holyday.

I gotta miss a trillion,
Of wishes among million,
A fairy image from roses,
My angel of white horses,
I hate this Christmas Holyday.

Like we've not had enough,
Despite all the time o' laugh,
Still more I need you,
Daily within my view,
I hate this Christmas holyday.

Promises that never die,
Dreams that never lie,
Your backup of sacrifice,
And a moral that entice,
I hate this Christmas holyday.

I can see your brother coming,
In his car of silent humming,
To fetch you home,
From this town of Rome,
I hate this Christmas holyday.

A tear is all I can shade,
As I see you fade,
In clouds of dust,
And I feel my world burst,
I hate this Christmas holyday.

We've shared best,
In this school and the rest,
I beg, you keep your promise,
Till again we kiss,
I hate this Christmas holyday.

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